Green Tacos with Beet-Carrot Slaw and Cashew Cream

So let’s continue our journey on the whole food plant based path. For the past week I have been out attending a wedding and have been mostly eating fruits, millet roti and veggies. It’s so good to be out in the village, fresh air, fresh food right from the farm and veggies that are grown right in our backyard and guess what. They are even organic!!… Thanks to my mom in law who loves home farming..
While coming back I carried some fresh herbs, greens and veggies from our backyard veggie patch. I got loads of green garlic, mint, coriander leaves, curry leaves, spinach and colocasia leaves. Being back I couldn’t wait to cook with these fabulous ingredients.
Hence todays recipe though very simple has loads of flavour and nutrition. I just loved all the herbs and the way it all came together. So what is it?

Ingredients for the tacos

Ingredients for the Slaw

Ingredients for the Cashew Cream

Method for the Tacos

  1. Make a very fine paste of spinach garlic mint cumin powder and salt with as little water as possible.
  2. To the wheat flour add this paste and make a dough. Use little water if needed. The dough shouldn’t be very soft or very hard.Rest the dough for 15-30 mins.
  3. Make small balls out of the dough. Roll them in 5 inch diameter tortillas (rotis).
  4. Roast them on a skillet without using any oil.

Method for the Slaw

  1. Mix all the ingredients and adjust the seasoning as per your taste.

Method for the Cashew Cream

  1. Drain the water from soaked cashews. Wash the cashews.
  2. Blend cashews with the rest of the ingredients and a little water in a thick cream.


Take a taco. Spoon a good serving of slaw on top. Drizzle the cashew cream and enjoy!