Veggie Brown Rice Pulao, Garlicky Stir Fry Veggies, Ambat Batata

I got a few requests for the recipes of my yesterday’s lunch, one of favourite meals- a pulao, ambat batata (potato in tangy coconut curry) and a salad/steamed/roasted veggies. This combination is my absolute comfort food. I can have it any time of the day.
Whenever I am planning a meal I try and see its as colourful as possible. Including all the colours like red, yellow, orange, green, white etc just ensures that you are getting all the required nutrients. So the best way is to include veggies in the rice and chapati too.
I always feel potato is the most undervalued tuber. It’s an excellent source of potassium and B complex vitamins Let me put it out there potato doesn’t cause weight gain or for that matter diabetes, the way potato is cooked frying it or loading with cheese makes it the culprit. Steaming potatoes and eating it along with peel maintains the nutrition in potatoes. (I know I can almost see and feel the expression of shock on your faces-  POTATO WITH PEEL!? but its edible and absolutely neutral in flavor )
So here is one of my favorite meal

Ingredients for Rice

Ingredients for the Veggies in Pulao

Ingredients for Garlicky Stir Fried Veggies

Ingredients for Ambat Batata

Method for rice

  1. In a pressure cooker, cook all the ingredients under for rice. (2 whistles and 10 mins on sim)
  2. In a bowl take all the ingredients under veggies and mix well. Add these all to a steamer and steam for 7-9 minutes.
  3. Once the rice is done, puff it with a fork and add the steamed veggies. Mix well.
  4. Garnish with coriander leaves and Serve hot.

Method for Garlicky Stir Fried Veggies

  1. In a thick bottom pan, on high heat add the onions and garlic. Saute till the raw flavour is gone just a minute or two.
  2. Add all the rest of the ingredients. Mix well. Turn the heat off. Cover and leave aside for some time.
  3. The heat of pan will soften the veggies.

Method for Ambat Batata

  1. Steam the potato in the steamer for 9-10 minutes
  2. In a chutney grinder, grind coconut, tamarind, rice flour with little water into a fine paste
    Heat a steel vessel, add mustard seeds and let them pop, add the seeds and dal. Roast for 30 secs.
  3. Add a cup of water and the spices. Stir well. Bring it to a boil.
  4. Now add the potatoes and cover and cook for 30 secs. Add the coconut paste and cook till the curry thickens. (About a minute).
  5. Serve hot.
  6. P.S Adjust the consistency of curry depending on what you are serving it with. For rice make it thinner and for chapati keep it thick. Enjoy this delicious meal!