Dry Coconut Chutney

Mumbai rains and 2 young kids keeps mommy very busy…Finally got a spare moment to post..
A lot of people like family, colleagues as well as fellow dietitian friends warned and challenged me that being vegan and that too oil free in India was impossible. It would not last. “Wouldn’t you miss all the dishes that you could have in the US?, how would you curb the temptation?” But thanks to my mom and Mother-in-law, I can say this now, I really don’t miss anything. Their readiness to cook without oil solved everything. To get ‘Ma ke haath ka khana’ was a blessing.
My Mom being a doctor at the age of 67 was pursuing her Masters in Marathi language. Last week she got her final years results and she passed with distinction getting 77% and 94/100 in her project. Hooray!!
So today’s recipe is mom’s special- This is my mom’s signature dish. Though it’s a chutney our meals are incomplete without it.

  1. Grind all these in a grinder really well. All ingredients should be mixed well.
  2. Do not run the grinder/blender at a high speed or else the jaggery will melt.